Top 10 Mothers Day Facts

Just in case you were not exactly sure as to the origin of Mother’s Day, or why it is so important that you buy your Mother a really good Mother’s Day Gift, we have researched what we consider to be the top 10 facts about Mother’s Day:
- Anna Jarvis first held a memorial in America in 1905, the year her mother died, to honour her mother and continue her work.
- In the UK Mother's Day is celebrated on the same day as Mothering Sunday, the 4th Sunday in Lent. Mothering Sunday was traditionally a holiday on which to return to the Mother Church or main church or cathedral of the area.
- In 1920 Constance Smith published a booklet in the UK titled “The Revival of Mothering Sunday” in which she reconnected many of the pre-reformation traditions of Mothering Sunday with Mother's Day. However, Mother's Day was only adopted increasingly in the UK following its celebration by the large numbers of American and Canadian soldiers serving during the Second World War.
- In the Roman Catholic church Mother's day is also associated with revering the Virgin Mary.
- Mother's day is the 3rd most celebrated holiday in the world (be it on different dates) after Christmas and Easter.
- The date of the 4th Sunday in Lent is only shared by the UK, Ireland and Nigeria.
- A tradition of Mothering Sunday which was carried over into modern Mother's Day was the making of a simnel cake by young girls working “in service” to take home to their mothers on their day off. A simnel cake is a light fruit cake made with 2 layers of marzipan.
- Mother's day is the busiest day for telephone calls in the United States of America.
- In Australia it is traditional to give a chrysanthemum to your mother on Mother's day.
- Japan's imperial family trace their ancestry to Omikami Amaterasu, the mother of the world.
So if you have still yet to make a thoughtful purchase for your Mother on Mother’s Day on 15th March 2015 this year, then take a quick look at our Mother’s Day Gift ideas for some helpful and inspirational present ideas.
Happy shopping,