Tayberry Vinegar Arrives

The Tayberry is the jovial uncle of the Raspberry where the Loganberry is its sour maiden aunt.
Gender stereotypes apart the happy union of the raspberry and bramble that is found in the Tayberry lends itself to the newest addition to Demijohn's range of fruit vinegars with striking enthusiasm. We've been experimenting with our new Tayberry vinegar and it's proving to be a huge hit.
The only drawback is that we have to experiment quickly before the children scoff the lot. Their enthusiasm for salad knows no bounds now that they can slather it with a hefty slug of “the new gooey one” as it has been described.
“Out of the mouths of babes” they say, and it's true that the Tayberry vinegar does have a viscosity that is both delicious on its own and also responds well when combined with our Extra Virgin Olive Oil. A lighter vinegar will slip away when the oil is added to a salad and remain only as a tantalising puddle in the corner of the plate. The Tayberry Vinegar is robust enough to cling on and simply prepare the way for the addition of the Olive Oil.
I'm about to make a really big admission. It can also bring light to the darkness that descends whenever I have to consider the prospect of cooking game. I know it's ungrateful of me not to view these wild morsels with delight but I finding game, well, a bit gamey.
Now I can face those bagged and waiting Unidentified Flying Objects (a term coined by my brilliant Mother) armed with my trusty vinegar to slake the meat juices and transform their flavour from being a bit too reminiscent of the forest floor to a fanfare of fruitiness. Hurrah for Tayberry Vinegar!
Happy cooking, Frances.