Always a great day at the CLA

And we were back! Replaced by the horizontal rain, the sea of mud and dampened spirits; were smiles and blue sky as far as the eye could see! And this year we had brought out the big guns (not just Andrew from the Edinburgh Shop) but our increasingly popular cocktail bar!
Midsummer Muddles, Citrus Sundowners and yes, once again the infamous Bloody Pirate Cocktails were flying off in every direction as though there was a gin/vodka shortage scare.
We were personally fuelling the brilliant reggae band with our cocktails of musical fusion, these guys never sounded so phenomenal (well, at least their Seville Orange Gin perception was such).
Whilst the banter was free flowing and spirits high there was only one thing left that anyone with the courage, capacity and sheer determination could try... the Demijohn Challenge!!! Many modern day knights took the challenge, there were few who succeeded. 'What is this challenge?' I hear you ask, well, I shall tell you...
The Demijohn Challenge, who's record of 2 minutes and 30 seconds is still unbeaten by the hero and Yorkshire King that is Adam Palmer from Yorkshire Rapeseed Oil, is where you hold two filled 5 litre containers in each hand with arms out stretched.
'Easy' I hear you say! Well, you will just have to try it for yourselves. The woman's challenge, set by the horse vaulting, gymnastic phenomenon that is Hatty from the Spencerfield Spirit company is 1:30. Anyone who beats the record at a show gets a free cocktail, and a SHED load of respect!
So... Knights of the gin infused realm of joy... We will see you all at our next show!