Wholemeal Ciabatta-Style Bread Recipe

There are positve signs of Spring in Galloway, however, a very cold wind means that it will be definitely soup season until Easter this year! Meanwhile the fresh harvest of Extra Virgin Olive Oil is here and it feels like a great time to treat the body and soul to some delicious olive oil, and what better way than in a delicious Ciabatta-style bread to go with any variety of warming soup.
Traditionally Ciabatta bread is made with strong white flour, but I’m a lover of wholemeal and grains so I’ve tweaked this ciabatta-style bread recipe to give this homemade bread recipe some hearty seeds and wholemeal flour.
It will decrease the light bubbled texture of traditional ciabatta but I feel that’s a price worth paying for the flavour of a seedy wholemeal bread with the extra flavour from a well flavoured first class olive oil.
- 1 Teaspoon of dried yeast
- 300g strong white bread flour
- 200g strong wholemeal flour
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 3 tablespoons Villa Montalbano Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 310ml water
- 6 Tablespoons of mixed seeds
This can be made in a bread maker or for a more traditional appearance mix together and knead until the dough is smooth. Cover loosely and put in a warmish place to prove until about doubled in size.
Knead again and shape to your preferred ciabatta loaf shape. Prove on an oiled baking tray or stone and once risen bake it for about 20-30 minutes until golden and sounding hollow on the base.
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