How to make 7 Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes

How to make 7 Healthy Salad Dressing Recipes
We have over the years sourced some of the finest olive oils, infused oils and balsamic vinegars that combine in salad recipes to create irresistible salad dressing recipes. From a simple pasta salad to the more complex bean salad recipe, these healthy salad recipes are easy to make and delicious to taste.
We currently have 7 first class edible oils on tap, including 3 Single Estate Extra Virgin Olive Oils, a Scottish Rapeseed Oil and 3 infused Rapeseed Oils. With our oils you can make many healthy salad dressing recipes. These are our 7 favourite salad recipes using our oils, to give you a wonderful week of Summer salads:
Monday's Classic Leafy Green Salad
Using our Villa Montalbano Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Tuscany. Gather a great bundle of fresh, mixed green salad leaves, from your garden if you are lucky enough to grow some. Once washed and prepared, place and mix together in your largest bowl for effect.
Top tip! When choosing your salad leaves, make sure you balance the flavour of those leaves to your olive oil and personal taste. We like a really strong salad, to excite the tastes buds and make our guests cough! If you like a mild salad use a milder dressing so that your food is in balance.
In this case we are going to the strong side of the salad spectrum with rocket, watercress and basil bulked out with red chard and a cheaper leaf such as gourmet medley. The result should be a nice colourful bowl of leaves. When dressing a salad with vinegar and oil, always adjust for salt and pepper first, drizzle the vinegar and wash through with your olive oil. In this case use our strong flavoured fruity Tayberry Vinegar and then wash through with our velvety smooth Villa Montalbano Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Tuesday's Pea and Mint Salad
Using our Kabbadates Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Corfu. To make this simple Pea and Mint Salad use roughly 1/4 kg of fresh garden peas. Remove the peas from their pods and add to a bowl with fresh mint, a splash of Kabbadates Extra Virgin Olive Oil and a splash of Apple Vinegar. Serve along with a light lunch or use as a starter with some good bread.
Wednesday's Asparagus Salad
Using our Monterosa Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Portugal. Clean and prepare a suitable quantity of asparagus spears rolled in olive oil, and fry hard in either a very hot frying pan or on BBQ until slightly scorched. Place in a cold dish and drizzle a generous amount of Monterosa Extra Virgin Olive Oil over the spears. Finally crack some sea salt over the spear prior to serving with cold meats.
Thursday's Fiery Dragon Potato Salad
Using our Chilli Rapeseed Oil from Yorkshire. Chop a handlful of clean potatoes into small cubes and place onto a baking tray. Add some rough chopped garlic, with their husks removed. Drizzle a liberal amount of Chilli Rapeseed Oil over the potatoes and garlic and stir to ensure a good coating of oil over both. Finally crack some sea salt over the whole tray and then place in a pre-heated over at 180 degrees C for about 20 minutes. Every 5 minutes, lift out the tray and turn the potatoes, applying a little more salt, until all the potatoes have turned a crispy brown colour. Remove tray and serve either hot or cold with homemade Mayonnaise.
Friday's Quick Cous Cous Salad
Using our Rapeseed Oil from Perthshire. Prepare a suitable quantity of Cous Cous and allow to cool slightly in a mixing bowl. Chop peppers, olives, cucumber and add all to the bowl with a generous amount of Perthshire Rapeseed Oil and a dash of Gooseberry Vinegar. Adjust with salt and pepper to taste.
Saturday's Wildflower and Tomato Caprese Salad
Using our Lemon Rapeseed Oil from Yorkshire. As a guide you will need roughly one large vine ripened tomato and about half a 450g fresh mozzarella per person. Cut 5mm slices of both tomato and cheese and arrange on a salad platter with the tomatoes on the bottom over laid with the fresh mozzarella slices. Season with cracked sea salt and pepper prior to scattering a handful of fresh basil leaves and wild Wood Sorrel flowers (yellow, pink or white) over the plate. Finally dress the whole dish with a healthy amount of our Elderflower Vinegar and Lemon Oil, which we also call Elderflower Vinaigrette. The result is belissimo!
Sunday's Lazy Pasta Salad
Using our White Truffle Oil from Perthshire. Are you like us and always have a small bowl of left over cooked pasta in the fridge from a meal earlier in the week? Annoying isn't it! This is a great recipe idea to use up spare cold pasta so it does not go to waste. If the pasta is very fresh and still soft you might be able to simply add the ingredients directly to it. If not then throw the pasta once again briefly into boiling water and strain to revitalise it. Then add chopped chunks of salami or chorizo, peppers of various colours, halved raw button mushrooms and chunks of raw garlic. Drizzle a liberal dose of Truffle Oil and a splash of Gooseberry Vinegar and stir well together. Add cracked sea salt and pepper to taste. Serve with a generous amount of coarse grated Parmesan Cheese.
We hope you enjoy these delicious recipes as much as we did when creating them. If it has unleashed a creative chef within you and you have thought up additional healthy salad recipes using our oils and vinegars, we would love you to share them with us. So please do contact us with any recipe ideas or suggestions.
In the meantime, happy munching!
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