Wee Bloody Mary Doll

This is an old favourite of mine for clearing the head on a Sunday morning pre-lunch! The first named Bloody Mary Cocktail was created by Fernand "Pete" Petiot of Harry's Bar in Paris. He is thought to have named the drink after Mary Pickford the famous actress. There is no doubt in my mind that the man deserves a medal as it is a fabulous combination of flavours. Many variations on a Bloody Mary have been thought up since, which makes this a fun drink to make time and again. See my little tips below for some ideas, but I suggest you start with our Wee Bloody Mary Doll to get you off to a good start!
- 2 measures Lime Vodka Liqueur 24%
- 1 measure Cucumber Vodka 29.1%
- 5 measures Tomato Juice 4 drops of Tabasco
- 1 pinch of Celery Salt
- 1 small pinch of Black Pepper
Shake and strain through a hawthorn strainer (or anything similar to hand!). Serve in a large goblet or tumbler glass with a short stem of celery and its leaves to add a bit of style.
Anything else I should know?
- If a measure of Tequila is added your Bloody Mary will become a Deadly Mary.
- If Tequila is used in the place of the vodka this will become a Bloody Maria.
- If our Demijohnnie Gin 50% is used instead of our Lime Vodka Liqueur 24% and a half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice is added, your cocktail will become a Red Snapper.
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