Sausages with Red Onion and Bramble Glaze Recipe

It was in the knowledge of the Bramble's amazingly beneficial properties that I embarked on making this delicious warming winter dish, using our popular Bramble Scotch Whisky Liqueur 23%, bolstered by the knowledge that it is doing us countless other goods!
Sausages with Red Onion and Bramble Glaze
- Best butchers Pork sausages
- 1-2 Red Onions, sliced thinly
- Approx 50ml Bramble Scotch Whisky Liqueur 23%
Fry the sausages in a heavy based frying pan turning them frequently. (the sausages shouldn't need more fat added to the pan if cooked patiently so you needn't feel too guilty about extra fat content!).
Once they are well browned and cooked through remove them to a warmed serving dish and keep warm.
Add the sliced Onion to the pan and gently soften in the remaining sausage fat, allowing to gently caramelise.
Once the onions are cooked to your taste turn the heat down and add the Bramble Scotch Whisky Liqueur. Allow it to bubble gently and thoroughly deglaze all the delicious sausagey bits from the pan.
Once reduced to a slightly syrupy consistency pour over the sausages and serve with buttery mashed potato and plenty of green beans or mange tout.
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