How it Works
Choose your Product
When you visit our shops you will not only be encouraged to taste what we are selling, but we will attempt to unlock the secrets about our products.
Our team of passionate Staff are so enthusiastic and friendly, you will feel as though you are being entertained at a private residence.
Online, while a little less personal, our detailed tasting notes will help convey our products unique quality and story.
Choose your Bottle
After choosing a product we then individually bottle your choice from our distinctive glass demijohns into our selection of attractive Italian glass bottles.
The only slight difference from my heady student days in the Cantina is that because UK law dictates, you must first purchase one of our bottles. We cannot fill one of your jerrycans in the shop, sorry!
Add a Handwritten Message
With your filled bottle in hand, we not only hand write the product label on the bottle but can also add a free personal message if you wish.
Please note the bottle label and message is designed to be temporary only and can be removed if the bottle is returned to be refilled.
Return your Bottles to Refill
Those lucky enough to own a Demijohn bottle are encouraged to return to our stores and have their bottles refilled for the cost of the refill only.
Alternatively you can use our new Mail Order Refill Service. Follow our simple guide on our Mail Order Refill Service page.
Which ever method you choose, refilling is both cost effective for you, as you will save about £3 to £4 on average per bottle being refilled, and most importantly reusing your bottle is very good for the environment.