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A Good Time to Refill Happy New Year. It has been a soggy start to 2014. I can only hope you have avoided the worst of it? If you are like me then the first couple of weeks of January...
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Introducing our new range of Handmade Liqueur Chocolates Our much promised range of Handmade Liqueur Chocolates are now ready to eat. Included in their ingredients are 6 of our most popular liqueurs, from Bramble Scotch Whisky Liqueur 23% to Sloe...
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Christmas Inspiration We hope that your Christmas spirit is in fine fettle and your preparations assuming a carefree and festive nature. If you have yet to do so, please order online by Sunday 1st December to take advantage of our...
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Winter is coming and the sloes are looking fat! Thanks to a very late but no less surprising first proper frost at the beginning of the week we are all starting to feel a bit wintery here at Demijohn HQ....
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Our first time of exhibiting at the Living North Christmas Fair, came with the distinctly difficult trial of finding a position to put us. The Food Marquee was full, as was the warm Food Hall with its heart warming Christmas...
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