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Gooseberry Gin, Raspberry Vodka and Elderflower Vinegar are a few of the delicious, quirky liquids just arrived at a brand new liquid deli at 20 Little Clarendon Street in Oxford. Demijohn has expanded from its northern base to tempt the...
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To the skirl of the bagpipes, the clinking of glasses, and oos and aahs as delicious artisan drinks were quaffed Demijohn opened its newest and largest shop at 20 Little Clarendon Street in Oxford yesterday. This unusual liquid deli attracted...
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Winter is coming and the sloes are looking fat! Thanks to a very late but no less surprising first proper frost at the beginning of the week we are all starting to feel a bit wintery here at Demijohn HQ....
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Newsflash! We have finally opened our new shop in Oxford, hooray! After 3 weeks of sanding, cleaning, painting and, most importantly, filling demijohns we are finally ready to welcome you to try Demijohn at 20 Little Clarendon Street in Oxford...
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