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As the traditional damp and cold of a Scottish January starts to seep into the air, the house, the bones and the spirits there couldn't be a better time for some inner cheer in the form of a hearty pudding....
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Our Sloe Gin is a Winner! Happy New Year. We have started 2017 on a tremendously high note with the news that our traditional, British Sloe Gin has won the World Sloe Gin Championships for the 3rd year running, hooray!...
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A Personal Invite to a Tasting on the House We would like to treat you to a Demijohn Tasting Evening on the house. Our 4 shops, Edinburgh, Glasgow, York and Oxford will run two evenings each over the next few...
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A Good Time to Refill Happy New Year. It has been a soggy start to 2014. I can only hope you have avoided the worst of it? If you are like me then the first couple of weeks of January...
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