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5 of the Best Mother's Day Gift Ideas Mothering Sunday falls at the end of this week, are you ready? If you were thinking of giving just flowers or chocolates again, here are 5 of our best Mother's Day gift...
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Are you a fan of dark chocolate, coffee and cream? Demijohn are answering your prayers with the launch this week of their new Chocolate and Coffee Cream Liqueur which makes an imaginative and simply heavenly Christmas present. As a sumptuous,...
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Demijohn has gone global with the launch of a £50,000 website to enable its customers to more easily source and buy its delicious artisan drinks, oils and vinegars and to broaden its appeal. As the world’s first ever liquid deli,...
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Prominent drinks company Demijohn is re-locating its main retail base to York, and concentrating its retail, mail order, concession and wholesale business from this new larger base. With a new direction for the company in this age of online and...
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The beautiful spring weather that has appeared seems the perfect herald for a culinary highpoint in my year: British Asparagus season! Each year, having shunned the imported variety that can be found in the supermarket, I get ridiculously over-excited when...
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