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Are you Gin Bore-beld? Demijohn has the solution! Christmas should, in my opinion, should be celebrated with all the good things in life. And in order to avoid the accursed over indulgence so synonymous with the party season I like...
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Spooky spirits make frighteningly good cocktails .... Halloween is not just for the children. We have put together a collection of suitably spooky Halloween Cocktails for you to try. If you are planning a grown up Halloween party in the...
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Summer brings so many things to different people; holidays, sun, beaches, alfresco dining, an ice cold cocktail on the riverside.... For me for the past 3 years, since working at demijohn in York, Summer brings with it the annual Demijohn...
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Saying thank you to clients and staff at Christmas is an easy and thoughtful way to increase goodwill. But the secret is to give a gift that not only looks good and tastes good but is also original and desirable....
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To give a Christmas gift that not only looks good and tastes good but is also original and desirable is hard to find. Artisan drink-ie and foodie company Demijohn have launched this week the most stunning presentation boxes. They are...
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