Food Recipes

Working at Demijohn HQ is not too insufferable when it consists of baking a Chocolate Rum Cake made with our dark Chocolate Rum Liqueur 29.5%. And I don't think the family were too miserable about it either. I adapted this...
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This delicious recipe, using our much loved Raspberry Vodka Liqueur 17%, serves 8 to 10 people and can be enjoyed by the whole family either at Christmas or another such large family gathering. The inspiration behind it comes from one of our...
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Sustenance and energy maintenance are vital requirements of the Team Demijohn Elderflower pick and this year I decided to supplement it with a sugar boost of a particularly appropriate variety: Elderflower cake made with our delicious elderflower vinegar and the...
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Vinegar is well-reknowned for making meringues more chewy and marshmallowey so I experimented with our deliciously rich Tayberry Vinegar in a batch of meringues to add an extra fruity dimension to a raspberry fool. With just the slightest touch of...
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The sun is shining and with both the rhubarb patch and the hens exuberantly prolific at the moment it seems almost a necessity to adapt that most summery of puddings, the Pavlova, to the fruits of the Scottish springtime. The...
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