Cocktail Recipes

Edinburgh Apple Royal was a cocktail created to celebrate The Royal Wedding between Prince William and Miss Catherine Middleton which took place at Westminster Abbey on 29 April 2011. It is a deliciously spring fresh aperitif, with a distinctive taste...
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If you are a gin and tonic drinker who simply enjoys a delicious tasting gentle drink at the end of a hard day, then our Evoque Cocktail is your drink. At its core is our Gooseberry Gin Liqueur which is...
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This cocktail was created to mark Saint George's Day, normally on 23 April. It needed to be quintessentially English, seasonally fresh and with a bite like Saint George's slain dragon! The result is a sharp, fresh cocktail with a little...
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The Martini is a simple cocktail to make. It needs to be arctic cold and it can be quite strong. Our Sloe Gin Martini is all about balance. The intensity of fruit and subtle sweetness of our award winning Sloe...
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We have based our Demijohn Classic Dry Martini Cocktail on the original Dry Martini loved by the partying elite of the roaring 1920's. This drink famously re-invented itself in the Ian Fleming 1953 James Bond novel Casino Royale, where is...
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